A Story of Impact and Empowerment

WIHD's journey began in 2013 when a group of 18 dedicated activists and development practitioners recognized the pressing challenges faced by informal workers worldwide. Motivated by a shared commitment to address widespread unemployment, underemployment, and growing income inequality, they founded WIHD with a vision to amplify the voices of the working poor, particularly women, within the informal economy. What started as a small initiative has since evolved into a thriving network active in over 20 countries, dedicated to empowering informal workers and advocating for their rights.

Over the years, WIHD has remained steadfast in its mission to support, empower, and connect organizations representing the working poor. Through collaborative efforts and partnerships, WIHD has played a pivotal role in advancing inclusive advocacy and support services for informal workers. From rural farmers to street vendors, WIHD's impact spans across various occupational groups, striving to improve livelihoods and work towards poverty alleviation through policy research and advocacy.

WIHD's story is one of resilience, solidarity, and empowerment. By mobilizing credible research, fostering collaboration, and advocating for policy reforms, WIHD continues to make strides in promoting social and economic justice on a global scale. As we look towards the future, WIHD remains committed to its founding principles, standing as a beacon of hope for informal workers everywhere.