Empowerment Initiatives

Empowerment Initiatives

Empowerment Initiatives

WIHD also engages in various special initiatives related to the informal economy, including research, exposure-dialogue programs, and policy dialogues. These activities often involve cross-programmatic collaborations and are driven by the needs of informal workers' member organizations.

  • Cross-Programmatic Collaboration: WIHD fosters collaboration across its programs to develop and implement special initiatives effectively. By leveraging expertise from different areas, such as law, social protection, and rural policies, we ensure comprehensive and holistic approaches to addressing the diverse needs of informal workers.
  • Needs-Driven Approach: Our special initiatives are driven by the needs and priorities of informal worker member organizations. Through regular consultations and feedback mechanisms, we identify emerging challenges and opportunities within the informal economy and design initiatives to address them effectively.
  • Research and Innovation: WIHD conducts research as part of its special initiatives to generate evidence-based insights into key issues facing informal workers. This research informs the development of innovative solutions and policy recommendations aimed at improving the livelihoods and working conditions of informal workers.
  • Exposure-Dialogue Programs: We organize exposure-dialogue programs that bring together informal worker organizations, policymakers, and other stakeholders to exchange knowledge and experiences. These programs facilitate learning, networking, and collaboration, leading to more informed decision-making and effective advocacy efforts.

Join WIHD in its special initiatives to contribute to the advancement of informal workers' rights and well-being. Together, let's explore innovative solutions, foster dialogue, and drive positive change within the informal economy. Take part in shaping a more inclusive and equitable future for informal workers worldwide.